Marines are the best soldiers in my opinion. My cousin was a former Marine and I have so much respect for the duty. It’s a tough job where you are risking your life to protect your Country. What some people don’t get is that Marines are usually the first people at the place of interest. Everyday there is danger and never a day goes by that someone is injured or killed. Other soldiers also have this but I’m focusing on Marines because it has had a major effect on my family. My cousin Kevin went into the Marines young approximately 18-19 years old. He also has a wife and a two year old baby girl. This past summer he was injured in the line of duty by stepping on an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). Two were injured Kevin and his buddy. They both survived but have shrapnel damage and a limp has to be cut off. I don’t know much about Kevin’s friends but Kevin had to get his right calf amputated because was his foot was so broken and had a lot of shrapnel damage. He is doing fine now and has therapy to be able to walk on one leg. He is only about 21-22 years old. It’s a blessing that he and every other Marine that has gotten injured is in great care and would risk their lives to help protect us. I have so much respect for not just Marines but EVERY soldier who risks their life knowing every time they deploy that could be the last time they see their beloved family. Thank you all soldiers. Prayers are with you.

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