Thursday, September 22, 2011

(fp) relationship with andrew

   February 10,2011 is when it all started. We been talking for awhile and he was going to walk me to my soccer practice. When we were at the corner talking I asked Andrew if he was gonna ask me out and he said its was my turn to ask. I thought he was serious so I did three times and he finally said yes. I was so happy and couldn’t stop smiling. Its been seven months and  I love him to death. We are always together and always texting when we arnt. This past summer I went to San Diego and  my step mom had the great idea of send Andrew down to stay with us for couple days then drive back. I was so excited and loved having him there to spend time and get to know my family. Hes the love of my life and I couldn’t ask for more. In a relationship there needs to be a mental and physical attraction, to have both makes everything perfect. We care a lot about each other which makes it the best relationship. I plan to be with him for rest of life. When we are together its so much fun. I love going to football games and other places where it doest matter what we do we always laugh and show affection. I love making him brownies and cakes even thou he thinks I'm not the best cook. We always talk and never go a day without saying I love you. I love my boyfriend Andrew.

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up with this only now because it takes me hecka long to get to stuff...did you see Tehani's response to this? She's trying to look out for you.

    This is obviously a really positive post and you're only saying nice things about him--so it's not one of those situations where it's "personal beef" on the blogs and people can start sniping at each other. But even though it's positive, you're sharing stuff in public which later you might--MIGHT--wish you'd kept private. Think carefully about it. (Again, Tehani has more to say.)

