Thursday, September 15, 2011

(CE) worlds ugliest dog!!

chinese crested world ugliest dog
 I strongly agree that the Chinese Crested dog is the most ugly.  The dogs named  Yoda was presented the ugly award June 25th. Yoda has the tiniest scrawny legs that help them move a mile a minute. They also are known for the small heads and big bulging eyes. The Chihuahua is a fantastic animal very sweet, lovable and loud. I have a Chihuahua and he is the funniest animal. He is 11 years old and seems like everyday he gets more hyper and youthful. They seem like the loudest breed of dog that i have had. The Chinese Crested is the same just hella UGLY. The thing that makes them so unappealing is that the skin feels super soft, the legs are long, they have minimal strangled hair, humongous head, big pink tongues, and the most bulging,big,creepy, dark eyes. I love all dogs and never put them in categories of ugly or gorgeous but this dog   gets to make an exception. I am proud to say i agree with the award for ugliest dog to the Chinese Crested.

On June 25th, Yoda a Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix, beat out 29 contestants to win the coveted 'World's Ugliest Dog' title. The 14-year old who hails from Hanford, California was voted in by the public who voiced their opinion by texting in - 'American Idol' style!
The tiny canine that weighs a mere 1.8lbs impressed the audience with its sporadic spurts of hair, long hairless legs, protruding tongue and bat-like ears. She belongs to Terry Devine Schumacher, who mistook it for a rat when her daughter found it in a field, over 14 years ago. However, upon realizing it was a dog, they fell in love with the odd-looking puppy and promptly adopted her.


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