Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Self Introduction Essay

      Hi my name is Taylor Stratford Clark. I was born January 21,1996 in St.Louis Hospital. On February 8,1996 I was adopted by Elizabeth and Richard Clark.We lived in Missouri for two years. I was named after streets my mom and dad lived on.They also adopted my sister Jasmine Marie Clark on August 1,1995 three days after she was born.My older brother Justin William Clark was adopted when he was five years old. We all moved to California in 1998 when i was two. In 2000 when i was four my parents split and it was hard on all three kids. My mom dated and my dad found love.He remarried October 20,2002 and have been together for almost nine years.The happy couple had two sons Dillon and Matthew Clark. Dillon when he was barley a year old we found out he had cancer.He had many surgery's from age one to three. It has been five years of remission and he is doing great. There is still issues because he has half a lung and kemo took its toll on his health but other than that hes a health eight year old soccer playing, gun loving boy. I also have a sister who lives in Missouri with my birth mom. Shes my half sister but I love her.I stay in touch with her and plan to keep her in my life. Her name is Shields,a nine year old girl that is very into sports.My family is confusing but i got to love them!
             I love to travel. Every summer i got at least two places. Some of my favorite places i went was Mexico. I went to Mexico two years ago with my dad, step mom, little brothers, and sister. Mexico was gorgeous, hot, sunny,and colorful. The beaches were perfect. The sand was warm not burning and the water was just right. In the waves my dad left his money in his pocket and lost it. There was also tons of reptiles. One morning I went into the bathroom and i found a lizard was in there. Before i knew it was a lizard I grabbed the towel and it crawled out on my finger. I screamed so loud and it got so scared its tail came off. I was clearly traumatized. The other fun place i have been to was on a Cruise. It was a week or two week trip and we went to different city's from here to Mexico. The mall on the ship was HUGE, I loved looking around and pointing out everything I liked. There was also a dance floor/club area. Adults and kids had different times and there was a DJ. On the deck there was a water slide. It was half the top deck and very cold. The pools were not that deep and there was about three of them. I also go to Missouri every year to see family and every other year I go up the St. Louis Arch. I love to go up in the little Farris wheel type cars and ride to the top. It is so scary looking out the top of the arch.The people look like ants and the cars,trees, and planes look like toys.The best trip to date is this past summer when i went to San Diego.
      San Diego is the perfect place to go because there are beaches the Welks lodge, shops and Old Town San Diego.This summer like last year we drove for a long time. we stopped in the middle and spent one night i hotel so we could go see the Ronald Reagan Museum. That day we also walk in Hollywood because I wouldn't stop talking about it. After we walked around we drove to San Diego. The Welks lodge is beautiful, colorful,kid friendly, and u get to have yourown "apartment" type of living space. It came to the second day and I missed my boyfriend,Andrew Rusca. My step mom gave me the perfect news. She said she would fly Andrew down to stay with us the rest of the trip and he would drive home with us. I was so excited, I cleaned my room, was being super nice to my younger brothers and parents. They booked the flight and we were about to go get him. I put on the cutest outfit to see him and did my hair. when we got to the airport my face lit up with a huge smile because I missed him. After we went to Old Town, shopped and ate. The rest of the trip was all about swimming,eating,hanging out with family and beingwith Andrew who is soon to be apart of my family. It was a great trip and brought Andrew and I closer. The vacation with family is important because its bonding time with no stress.
       I love to workout and play sports.I played soccer when i was younger around 4-6 years old on my moms team.When i was younger i loved to pick Daisys and mess around on the field. Now i been playing again for two ad half years and love it. I play on a recreational team called the Stompers. I love have a team that isn't to competitive but at the same time we still play hard like it is. This past spring season i was named caption along with Emi Compton and Mia Z. Now it is fall season and Mia is to old to play on the team so Emi and I are the only captions. The team is so much fun and love playing with them. I also played on Junior Varsity for Alameda High School last year. The  coaches were amazing and everyone loved it. I plan to try out for soccer again so i can play three out of four seasons. I'm very dedicated  to my soccer and love it.
      Since I was younger I always planed to go to college.Two years ago I visited Missouri State University and fell I love. I plan to get a masters degree in Human Resources and a minor degree in Fashion and play soccer for the school. This past year I started writing poetry and want to also take a class involving it. The reason I want a minor I fashion is because I'm obsessed with dresses, mostly wedding. When i was little till even now I have planned my wedding. My favorite part of it was the outfit.I would and still draw my dream dresses, the Vail, the shoes everything. SO I realized I love it so much I want a degree in it. I'm very head strong about going to college and have looked at many different University's.
  In English I would like to work on alot in essay writings.I hate spelling, tense, and grammar. The organization is alright and transitions work. I love to write poetry and feel as if I can write anything I want in a creative way. English is going to be easy but hard  i the way you have to structure everything. That is all you need to know about me. The Main things you should take away from my essay is I love family, sports, traveling, college, and i LOVE my boyfriend Andrew Rusca.

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