Sunday, October 2, 2011

humanity (monthly essay)

 The definitive characteristic of humanity is greed and love. People will lie, hurt and cheat to get money, power or love. It can control and make a sweet caring person turn into a cold-blooded animal.
   Money is the material devil. People are addicted to money. It’s a drug and everyone wants it. The world has many currencies and at different values. Depending on the person money can be used in a wise or foolish way. Some will try to save and spend on things needed in life like college. Others spend on impulse, buying anything they want. Society will lie, backstab, gamble and risk their life to get money. People will rob a house or even a bank to be able to pay for the life of luxury they live. Men and Women will take the backbreaking job to be able o provide for their families. College students are an example of sweet gone badly. They work so hard to get to the college of their dreams, start off great but party too much and don’t manage their money well. Students will look for more ways to get money, either a job, stealing or selling. A lot of young adults these days found that selling drugs brings in a load of cash for less work. Some go steal expensive items and sell them for more than they are worth. People, mostly women will sell their bodies. Some will get money by prostituting giving physical pleasure to a customer. In the fashion world people will destroy their boys by bulimia, throwing up to loose weight and be the skinniest one so the industry will hire them and pay more. Civilization will do crazy things that risk their lives and the people around them lives. Money can buy material things but it cant buy happiness and love.
     The purpose of life for humans is to also be loved. To be social, bond, have fun and pleasure. Humanity will do anything to be with the one they love. It can be as simple as dressing different to blocking out family and friends. When girls are young most think about boys. Love is always around from when them are born till death. People so stupid and crazy things for love and out of love. Some drop out of school, get married young or even get pregnant. Personalities vary but the laid back pleasing one gets many people in trouble. Letting your guard down you can get taken advantage of and have that horrible memory in your mind for rest of life. Love can also make you the happiest person on the world. The partner can make them feel sexy, smart and perfect. Girls dream of their wedding day and dream husband. The qualities of him have to be prefect and bring the best out of you and make people happy and feel perfect. Controlling but needed, love controls a lot on people’s lives.
    Power can change a person in a second. If someone won the lottery they will be rich and have everything they want at the snap of their fingers. People think just because they have power they can get and do whatever they want but the fact is they cant. Celebrities have fame from television or music or even whom they dated. Civilization loves to hold people on a pedicle believing they know what’s right. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. People should earn power by respect and form what they have done well, not what or whom they did. There is the saying “respect your elders” and that tends to be very much true. Kids respect their grandparents and sometimes parents. Siblings also have to respect the older ones. When the parents are out of town guess who’s in charge, the oldest because they have respect and are trusted with the lives of the younger children. This type of power struggle is called hierarchy where there are different levels of power from homeless to the millionaires. Everyone is human but no two people are the same. People take life’s struggles in different ways, either helpful of destructive. Blocks are put in life to make you stronger, build character and help you understand better. Power is used in many ways from getting your way to getting a better job because of who you know.
    Greed is also not caring. When someone is greedy they do it to help themselves. People don’t think about how their actions will affect the ones around them. For example when decide to mess up in school and get off track it Effects College, jobs and even your future family. Sometimes things work out for the better and people learn from the mistakes. Others it lands them in a deep dark hole where it’s hard to get out. Shopaholics are a perfect example of not caring. They spend and spend on stupid things that at the time they need but in the long run they don’t. It puts them in suck a debt that it can take a whole lifetime to get out and live a normal life. People also do drugs what at the time seems cool but will end your life faster and make it miserable. The homeless are out on streets from multiple reasons but mostly because drugs took their life and made it so hard to do normal things because they were always high.  Opportunities come and go, having the time to do anything you want to benefit the future is something not worth passing by. People have to care to get somewhere in life and be able to enjoy life.
   Humanity is very greedy and loving. Humans will do anything to get further in life. This is what humanity is.

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