Friday, October 7, 2011

(ce) italian prime minister

The Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had an affair with a 17-year-old prostitute. He was said to be having sex parties at his home and paying girls to give him sexual things. Berlusconi is not a stranger to these horrible things. His wife divorced him in 2009 because of having sex with prostitutes and was hanging out with 18-year-old models. Have good lawyers that try their best to get him out of a sticky situation calling him “a very serious interference in the prime minister’s private life that has no precedent in the country’s judicial history”.  When Sutherland told me about this it blew my mind. It is very wrong for a prime minister to be preaching no sex till marriage then getting caught up in sex scandals makes the church look like they have double standards. A lot of people have issues with this because the prime minister is usually looked as a person kids can look up to. When this shit comes out about sex with minors it makes families rethink values and what church they go to. The prime minister represents the churches of Italy not just his own church. I believe this is very wrong and should be handled like he is a normal citizen.

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