Friday, October 7, 2011

(fp) my pets.

 patches and eli
I have had tons of animals my whole life from reptiles to rodents. We have always had three dogs none less. I am an animal person but my favorite type is a our/my cats. They are so fun to be around and always make people laugh. In my house there are two twin cats named Duke, the fat long light haired one and Shiloh the skinny short darker cat. Both have white O shapes on both sides that all the litter had. At night and in mornings they love to run around and wrestle. It gets so annoying but hilarious. The dogs and cats get along great except Elliose the three-legged boxer mix. She doesn’t like Shiloh and chases him all the time knowing she will get yelled for it. I have three dogs ranging from chiwawa to Great Dane. We also have a mouse that is a crack head and a bird that is vicious. My family could not go a day without animals. If it’s helping at the animal shelter or walking our dogs we always have animals around. Just recently my sister took the job of babysitting my moms friends bermise python. I’m fascinated by it but scared to death at same time. Anyways my family is very large with all my loving animals.

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