Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(biweekly)steve jobs

      Steve Jobs was a respected man who was a co-founder of Apple products. He says “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right”. This advice can be taken in many ways. People feel very strongly about this because it’s very controversial topic.

      I agree that we need to have pride in ourselves and know we can die at any moment and shouldn’t waste time. A lot of Americans today are lazy and don’t care about what will happen next. Having a free public education and college makes it way easier to do something with our lives. When we are kids nothing is on our mind but having a good time, hanging out, and what clothes to buy. I know personally I sometimes will slack off because I can get so caught up in sports, family and friends. Everyday is a struggle to do the best to your ability making parents proud of you. People also always think of what job they want. Starting from a young age till that day happens. Wondering will I like it or get paid a lot and be able to take care of my family. What people do everyday either big or small will affect tomorrow.

     Having said that I also disagree with that advice in some ways. There are some crazy people that will read this quote and take it to the extreme. Some will try to live their live to the fullest so much that in the end they have huge life changing consequences. It would be great to get up and not worry about a thing, have unlimited money, and be able to go where ever I want but life is not like that. Life is filled with problems that affect people in the worst ways. From getting shot to failing a test, it all makes you a better person and will help people learn about their mistakes.

      If I would start to live by this advice tomorrow I would learn that everyone has flaws that make them stronger. Personally I have many and wish they could go away but I have to deal with it. Family is hard pisses you off, holds you back but in the long run you need them to succeed in life. Having tons of options in the job industry that help a lot. There are thousands of different types of jobs to choose from and knowing all the options make it easier to find a job you can rely on and love. I would tell other people wondering how to “make the big choices in life” to do it yourself. Men and women who cheat their way through school never make it through in their career. Others can’t help you through life all the time holding your hand like you’re still that little kid in a mall. Knowing what you want at a young age helps to get you prepared and ready for most of life challenges.

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